Essential Oils: My Philosophy


13882492_1753966574883572_7176582130472378314_nMy essential oils philosophy has evolved a lot since we started using them 3 years ago! Some things haven’t changed, like my thankfulness that we chose this company or my belief that God provided these products for our benefit and enjoyment. Other things have changed: I no longer believe essential oils are the answer for everything and instead of viewing them as THE answer and something everyone HAS to have to be well, I now view them for what they are: tools. They are wonderful tools and I think everyone could benefit from using them, but now I know I cannot present something that comes in a little bottle as the solution to all of life’s problems.

I know this because when we started using essential oils, I was looking for healing…

I originally started looking into essential oils for their health benefits and because they seemed like a good way to reduce harmful chemicals in our home. They were one thing I hadn’t tried yet to heal some things going on in my body and the more I heard about them, the more excited I was to learn. I spent months researching different companies – their growing and distillation processes, what kind of testing they did, ethics of the company, education available, etc. I even took samples from different companies to my naturopath at the time to test for compatibility with me. I was taking over 30 supplements a day for Lyme disease and he wanted to make sure that anything else I added wouldn’t interfere. He gave the small unmarked bottle that I knew was Young Living lavender a glowing review! After researching some more and getting all my questions answered, it was clear there was only one company who fit the bill for what we were looking for and we started using Young Living in July of 2013. I loved the products and started telling people about them right away – they were SO cool! There was an oil for everything! I read everything I could find on their benefits and how to use them for different things and was feeling very empowered. I slowly started to build a home-based business with the goal of getting monthly oils for my family paid for. They seemed to be the answer to so many of life’s problems and I was so excited about what this could mean for so many people.
A year later, health issues started to take a greater toll on me and everything else, including any effort to share Young Living, took a back seat while I was trying to get well. I spent a year in bed except for very occasional trips out and even those took a long time to recover from. The following year wasn’t much better. Because I had invested in a few people, my Young Living team continued to grow during this time because of how the company is structured and I received a steady paycheck. Can we just take a minute to appreciate the beauty of a company that offers residual income??? Seriously. Even though I was continuing to get paid, we were spending the money on medical bills and doing everything we knew in the natural to try to get me well enough to get up and take care of my family.

We love Young Living, but we soon learned they weren’t the answer for everything. As Christians, this should have been obvious to us, but this was the start of a long learning process and we didn’t know then what we know now. Thank God for His patience and grace!

Fast forward 3 years.
For those wondering, essential oils did not restore my health. While they do provide therapeutic benefit, replace toxic products in the home, improve mood, and smell so good, I looked to Jesus for my healing. My health started to improve when I learned that my healing was provided in the sacrificial atonement of Christ and started putting more faith in the Word of God than what I was feeling and seeing in my body. I have had to choose to view myself as Christ does and change the way I think about everyday things and especially, myself. I am learning how to accept by faith what grace has already provided and let me tell you, there is SO MUCH freedom, health, and peace in this!! Essential oils help a lot of people feel better but they don’t make anyone whole. They don’t set people free like Jesus does. Nothing you can buy or achieve can ever come close to what God has already freely provided. THIS is the answer everyone needs and now I am excited for what this means for anyone who chooses to accept it.

If you’re looking for essential oils to heal you or be your source for everything you’re looking for in life, I’ll tell you now I’m not the right person to help you – I will gladly direct you to Jesus for that! I have been there and I cannot lead someone else down a path I know doesn’t lead to freedom. If you’re looking for a rock solid company and top-quality products that provide a safer, more enjoyable life, I’m your girl! I realize that for some people, essential oils can be a bridge between a less toxic lifestyle or even a bridge between living by faith and not by sight. This is totally okay and I will gladly support anyone wanting to get started toward more freedom. But I will not ever suggest that essential oils are the cure or suggest them as a band-aid for long-term issues – why would anyone want to put a band-aid on something and live with it when Christ has already sacrificed EVERYTHING to set us free?

Young Living is a solid company that has been around for over 20 years and the longer I am with them, the more impressed I am with their integrity, expertise, quality, and generosity. If you’re looking for a home-based business, or if you just want some top-of-the-line quality products, you will want to see what Young Living has to offer. I thank God almost every day for this opportunity and these products, these created tools He so sweetly provided for us.

Essential oils have revolutionized the way I clean, take care of my family, relax, and so much more – we use them daily and they have made so many things so much easier! There are many great ways to use these products and I would love to give you some honest, practical and fun insight into the world of oils if you or anyone you know is interested. Leave me a comment if you have a question or click on the “Get Started with Young Living” tab to begin your journey.

I’ll be posting more about my testimony and things that have helped me walk out of sickness but if you don’t want to wait, I encourage you to go find a Bible verse about healing or especially God’s love and ask God to let the truth of it explode on the inside of you. He wants you well and He wants you free.

Until next time!

“Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.” 3 John 2

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